Saturday, March 21, 2009


I have been slacking on this blog! I try but it's just been crazy around this house!! I have been in spring cleaning mode! I took the kids to my parent's house last Wednesday and totally decluttered Parker's room! For a small 10 x 10 room it had WAY too much stuff in it! I ended up getting two boxes full to sell on ebay, two to give to goodwill and then 3 big bags of trash!! Now that he is 7 we wanted to give him a more grown up room....I painted the Justice League gang on his walls back when he was 4 and obsessed with them...he has since moved on to Power Rangers, Bakugan and video games. So we went with a darker red (matched to his Bakugan ball hilarious I know) and spent all morning painting! I decluttered big time he's just left with his bed, dresser, and small shelf to hold his video game systems, games, and DVDs everything else is put away in the closet or GONE!!
I love organizing and LOVE my label maker...I feel so good when I get tons of stuff done! I have also worked hard on the rest of the house this week! Since we just have a two bedroom house and Lyndee's bed/dresser are in our room her toys have taken over the den! I went through cleaning out baby toys and got her an organizer with buckets to get toys off the floor! Right now the house is still in "limbo" a huge mess until we can get to goodwill and the dump! It's a great start and I plan on keeping it up!!

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