Monday, March 30, 2009

Menu Planning Monday

It's that time of the week's a chicken week! Not on purpose just after planning and doing my menu for the grocery store I realized we were having lots of chicken! When you are eating healthy that just happens plus we really aren't a big red meat family anyway! View many more menus on this GREAT website

Monday - tuna fish however you want it! I had some left over boiled eggs so my hubby suggested this! I usually set out tortillas, pitas, crackers, bread, and lettuce so each family member can have it however they want!

Tuesday - Breakfast eggs, turkey bacon, drop biscuits Tuesday is Parker's Crossfire class so I always either do a crockpot meal or quick meal and this is a family fav!!

Wednesday - Grilled Chicken Salads yes it's time to start grilling again! For the kids (since they don't like lettuce) I take cupcake pans and put a little of each thing for them..chicken in one, egg, bacon, cheese, etc....

Thursday - Spaghetti I use sausage and whole wheat penne noodles (so far the family hasn't noticed the difference) and I usually take some multigrain tortillas and make garlic triangles

Friday - Chicken Tacos I set up a "taco bar" with hard and soft taco shells and all the fixins I got a pineapple to have with it

Saturday - English Muffin Pizzas super quick and easy and great for the kids to help!
I use the whole wheat English muffins

Sunday - it's our week to go to the inlaws

I did AWESOME at the grocery store this week I have a $50 a week budget for groceries and I spent $26.34 at Aldi this week I was SOOOOO excited!!

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