Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I thought I would post about a typical day in our world these last three weeks! We pulled our son Parker from his public school over the winter break to homeschool and so far it's been wonderful!
Here is our daily schedule though things do get switched up quite a bit and we get done faster than I planned etc....part of a homeschooling (or SAHM for that matter) is being flexible.

wake up breakfast
8:30 - 8:45 Bible
8:45- 9:30 Math
9:30 - 10 chores (I give Parker this 30 min if he gets them all done quickly he gets freetime to play with toys or whatever this has actually been GREAT no more begging to do chores)
10 - 10:30 out and about time (running errands on Tuesday we do the library etc...)
10:30 - 11:30 Spelling/Writing/Language Arts/Phonics
11:30 - 12 Lunch
12 - 12:30 Science
12:30 - 1 Independent Reading/Reading aloud
1 - 1:30 Computer time (this is the EDUCACTIONAL websites/games only time)
1:30 - 2 Social Studies

We usually fly through all that and get done before lunch! I worked in time for me to do my housework when Parker is doing his chores and then like reading/computer time he can do mostly by himself.

1 comment:

  1. welcome to the blogging world-so much fun! i'll definitely keep coming back to your blog to hear about your menus and budget ideas! :) i'm adding you to my blog list! hope your family is great-you kiddos are precious!
