Friday, May 29, 2009


Jeff and I are starting the process of buying our first house. We are working on the debt and saving up we are trying this experiment for one week and see how it goes!


I know it's nuts and while we (mainly me) have always been frugal/budgeting/coupon clipping/hunting for bargains the little things add up
Usually I take the kids out to fast food lunch/playground once a week. We usually go to Sonic for happy hour on Tuesdays before Parker's Crossfire class. Jeff buys lunch at least once a week to have a "hot lunch". He also stops at the gas station for coffee a few times a week (better than Starbucks prices at least) Wind up driving through for ice cream (or stopping to get a diet coke since I don't keep them around the house anymore) and so on....

So I bought Groceries this weekend and both cars are full of gas so we are going to try to go ALL week without spending a penny!

I will try to update daily on our happenings and see how it goes!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

survived my first semester homeschooling

Well it's official I have a second grader! Hard to believe I know! We decided to end the school year last Friday the 22nd so yesterday I averaged up all my cutie's grades and reported them (and our attendance) to our umbrella school! Parker got all A's I know it's hard for me to do that like I am cutting my kid slack but those are his actual grades. I did not grade on a curve since I am his mother or dumb down tests so my kid will get all A's (like so many people seem to think) He got all A's his first semester of 1st grade while in public school!
Here are his grades by subject:
Bible - 100 A+
Math - 98 A
Science - 97 A
Spelling - 94 A
Language Arts - 96 A
Reading - 98

We have already registered to homeschool for 2nd grade (we registered before March 15th and got a discount yeah I look for a bargain anytime I can) and I was able to buy all of his curriculum (including work books) on ebay and spent about $50.
Right now we are taking it year by year as far as homeschooling and we are looking to purchase our first home so if we are in a good public school district he will probably go back. Homeschooling isn't for everyone but it's working for us right now!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Best Parents/Grandparents EVER

This weekend was a fun one! My dad called a few weeks ago and said he wanted to get a hotel room in town (I know it sounds crazy but it's for all the kids to swim and for him to get away from the phone since he runs a business out of his home) and we could all play and swim and then Jeff and I & my sister and her husband could have date nights and they would keep all 4 kids over night!
I was like ummmm okay!
So the weekend started out Sunday after church we all met for lunch at Abbey's then on to the Disney store at the mall where my dad had ANOTHER for each kid to spend! They have a Disney Rewards Visa and when they add up so many points they get a gift card so each kid got to go nuts! I got Lyndee the CUTEST Minnie Mouse vacuum and a Disney Princess bubble blowing machine! Parker got some Power Rangers toys (shocker I know) and some WallE toys.
Then we went to the hotel and swam. Both kids ended up going under and Parker didn't use his swimmies yay!! After saying bye to the kids who could care less since they had a hotel room and new toys to explore....we started our date!
Then Jeff and I went to Houston's which is one of my favorite restaurants! It's always nice to have a meal in a nice restaurant and not be interrupted 20 times and having to say "sit down" "eat this" etc...
We walked around the nice new Target on our way home and picked up a pint each of Ben & Jerry's (calories don't count on date night right?) We had a movie from Netflix and so we decided to watch that it was FanBoys and I reccommend it to any Star Wars fan (or the wife of a fan) it was cheesy but cute and full of Star Wars references!

This morning I went back to the hotel to meet everyone for breakfast and another swim! It was a great weekend and I just hope the kids are tired out enough to sleep hard tonight!!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Blockbuster Sale

My family loves movies (We subscribe to Netflix and usually hit Blockbuster every Monday for the kids to each rent a "movie in the middle" since it's rent one get one free $1.08 for hours of entertainment can't beat it) so we had seen signs for Blockbuster's 50% off Previously viewed movies sale so we went this morning when they opened at 10 am
It was nuts movies galore...most priced at $4.99 then half off I had to limit my son to six and he kept finding more and more he wanted! I found my Dora obsessed daughter 3 Dora DVDs and also ended up getting two Gamecube games also for $2.50 each.
All in all we ended up with 11 items of multimedia for less than $30 with tax!

Monday, May 11, 2009

It's Monday again

I went shopping in peace this Saturday but ended up going over my budget since Jeff volunteered me to cook dinner for his mom. (He did slice the tomatoes and stir a few things for me) But that was part of her present so it was ok!

Monday - Chicken Kabobs Brown Rice
marinated in teriakyi sauce then I cut up some FRESH pineapple and the kids help me make kabobs and I grill them!

Tuesday - Enchiladas spanish rice refried beans
I was supposed to this meal last week but the kids ended up eating the cheese for snacks so I had to get some more and make the meal this week....luckily the ground turkey was still in the freezer

Wednesday - BBQ Nachos
These are like Corky's BBQ Nachos. The Corky's pulled pork was on sale this week so that was instant meal idea since the whole family loves this! I cook according to directions then lay nachos out on a big platter melt some velveeta to pour over them add some rib seasoning and then top with the pork! YUMMY yet rare dish in our house!

Thursday - Potatoes with Soup
This is a take off of Jason's Deli's/McAllister's spuds. I bake some potatoes and then put Broccoli cheese soup on top of mine and some leftover frozen chili on top of Jeff's and the kids usually have their "character" Campbell's soups

Friday - Taco bar
The name says it all!! I do soft and crunchy taco shells then cut up all the fixins

Saturday - Pizza
Buy the pizza dough roll it out and let everyone decorate their "fourth"

Sunday - Chicken Lo Mein
I use the wok to cook the chicken in soy/teriakyi sauce and add frozen stir fry veggies. All the while cooking spaghetti noodles to add in last minute!

Hope everyone has a great week and find many more meal ideas here at

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the mom's out there! I know I am a day late but I wasn't at the computer much yesterday! On Saturday I was "banished" from the house for a top secret mission. I took advantage and did the weekly grocery shopping sans kids. I honestly can't remember the last time I did that it was so quick and easy and no begging/whining. (I have actually started going on Saturdays since Jeff only works a half day but I take Lyndee with me to give them "guy time")

Anyway Sunday I was surprised by my little Von Gogh's and their painted canvas'. Jeff got them each a canvas and said paint whatever you want!

The top one is obviously Parker's he nailed the redhair and so sweet of him to write I (heart) Mommy and give me a green dress (my favorite color). Lyndee's turned into a brown blob b/c she wanted every single color! Jeff tried to help her paint a flower but she would just paint over each one but he helped her do a sunflower (my favorite flower) real quick then took the canvas away!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Menu Planning Monday

Seems to be a trend with my busy life that I am only posting on Mondays and I even missed last Monday! Life is busy but I am going to try once again to get better! Between homeschooling, potty training, and keeping Little Miss Destructive occupied I usually only jump on and off the computer lately! (she is actually napping right now so I have more than two seconds)

Here goes this week's menu and get many more here

Monday - Spaghetti with sausage yes I know we have spaghetti almost every week BUT it's one of the few meals I can get everyone in my house to eat! I also mix it up with different noodles etc....this week we are having whole wheat penne

Tuesday - BBQ Chicken in the Crockpot Broccoli and homemade Macaroni and cheese
This is my son's Crossfire class night so I almost always do crockpot meals on Tuesday

Wednesday - Enchiladas Refried Beans and Spanish Rice I know I am a day late for Cinco de Mayo but yesterday was crockpot night! I make these with corn tortillas, ground turkey, and lowfat cheese and I also do the fat free beans

Thursday - Chicken Pot Pie This is the quick and easy version I got off of Semi Homemade that my whole family loves!!

Friday - Sausage Roll Pizza So easy and yummy! Cook Sausage then mix with mozzerella cheese, bread crumbs, and parsley and put it all inside a rolled out french bread loaf (I use Pillsbury) then roll up and cook according to bread directions

Saturday - Chef Salads I just cut up some lunchmeat, boiled eggs, turkey bacon, and whatever other salad toppings I have around The kids get cupcake tins filled with the toppings b/c they don't like lettuce

Sunday - MOTHER'S DAY We are having lunch with my family and then dinner with Jeff's family so no cooking for me!!